By Dave Ashton
This is the question not just on Dodge fans’ lips, but for anyone with a passing interest in performance vehicles. The EV revolution is coming, and classics such as the Dodge Charger and Challenger will soon be replaced in a few years going from V8’s to electric powertrains. The accompanying video highlights mainly the perspective of a few diehard muscle car fans, and their take on the scene moving forward.
At 15 minutes long, the video doesn’t just highlight the muscle car perspective on EVs, but how the technology will infiltrate all areas of the motor industry.
Without going into the fine details of the pros and cons of EVs, right or wrong, it’s more about how fans are trying to make peace with the upcoming changes. The muscle car fans featured in the video, show off their own V8-powered muscle car collections and highlight what makes them great.
While one fan is quite impressed with what Dodge has in store for the first full-blown electric muscle, the underlying vibe also seems to be of reluctant acceptance. We are guessing this is the same for the car makers themselves. The people who work on these performance vehicles have spent a lifetime learning the intricacies of the V8, to now have to turn their attention to an electric platform.
The video is a definite watch for anyone with a passing interest in the current climate change from the internal combustion engine to electric vehicles. What is also interesting is the plethora of comments accompanying the video. They give a good overview of how the performance car market feels in general about the situation.
One of the comments mentions how the title of the video ends in a question mark, which means it can be automatically answered with a ‘no.’ This may end up being largely true, but there will also be those who take to the new platform straightaway. As with all these things, we will have to wait until the first of these new vehicles is tested. Then it will be the case of user feedback and tweaks to the platform over time to get everything just right.
Dodge is in the unique position of having the most diehard fans in the industry. Up until now, they have stuck to their guns with the V8 platform, with the ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ mentality. From this standpoint, you would think they will be the last to give in to an electric platform. But, it’s clear they don’t want to be left behind and want to push and optimize the platform as quickly as possible.
The move from ICE’s to electric is going to be a bumpy road for performance vehicle fans. But at the least, Dodge seemed to be trying their utmost to make sure whatever comes out as an electric Challenger in Charger is going to be the best it can be, at least in its first iterations.
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